Junior Program & Summer Camp

Summer camps mainly held in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom are short-term study abroad programs for 7 to 17 years old that combine English classes with outdoor activities and tourist attraction trips.

Students at the Junior Summer Camp are participating in the program by staying in a university dormitory where field staff are stationed 24/7. Normally, summer camps have classes on weekday mornings, trips and activities in the afternoon, and full-day trips on weekends.

Here are some of the summer camps Life Journey confidently recommends.

Eli Camps

Number of students: 550 or more (total during the program period)

Number of students per class: 15 on average

This is a very popular junior summer program held every year from late June to mid-August at the University of Toronto! This is a camp suitable for learning and experiencing with students from diverse backgrounds.

Popular program:

・Language program
・STEM program (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
・EXPLORE program
・Family program

Program period: 1-4 weeks

Toronto, Canada

Program schedule example


8am-9am: Breakfast
9am-12pm: English lessons
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch
2pm-5pm: Afternoon activities or excursions
6pm-7pm: Dinner
7pm-9pm: Evening activities
10:30pm: Bedtime

Saturday / Sunday (Subject to changes every week)

8: 0am-9am: Breakfast
: 30am-4pm: Day trips (Niagara Falls, Canada’s Wonderland, etc.)
6pm-7pm: Dinner
7pm-9pm: Night activities
10:30pm: Bedtime

Program cost: Approximately 150,000 yen (week)



Camp Videos

Student Testimonial: Marin

Last year, I attended the Eli Camps summer program for two weeks.
Students came from various countries such as China, Philippines, Italy and Mexico. Therefore, everyone communicated in English, which is not their first language. I think this is one of the interesting things about this camp. The two weeks  that I spent with children from various cultural backgrounds in an international environment has become my irreplaceable experience.
Also, I also enjoyed excursions that I went throughout the camp. I went to CN Tower, Niagara Falls, and an amusement park.
There are classes on weekdays, and classes were divided to suit every student’s English level.
Surrounded by friendly staff and teachers, I really enjoyed learning a lot.
Although it is a difficult time now, I hope you also have a chance to gain this memorable experience!

Contact Us

If you wish to learn more about junior programs and summer camps, please contact us by clicking here or the icon below!